How We Can Help

菠菜网lol正规平台’s Title IX and Gender Equity Office cares about your well-being and is here to help. The Title IX and Gender Equity Office is available for:

Receiving & Responding to New Reports

Receiving and responding to new reports of sex- and gender-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, as well as retaliation and pregnancy and parenting discrimination.

Make A Report

Alternatively, you may contact or 408-924-7290 (M-F, 8AM-5PM).

To report after-hours or on the weekend or via text messaging, please call or text 669-877-0620 and the office will respond the next business day.

Visit the FAQs tab to learn about the difference between a report and formal complaint.

Overseeing Supportive Measures

Overseeing the provision of supportive measures and/or services.

Review available supportive measures.

Investigating Title IX Policy Violations

Investigating and adjudicating complaints against students and employees alleging sex- and gender-related violations of the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation.

Access the Policy

File an Online Formal Complaint 

Fair and Impartial Resolutions

Ensuring fair and impartial formal and informal resolution processes when appropriate.

View information about the Formal and Informal Resolution process.

Title IX Trainings

Providing Title IX trainings to campus constituents (including students and employees), and, on an annual basis, to investigators, hearing officers, facilitators of informal resolutions, appellate authorities, Title IX Liaisons, and all staff members in the Title IX and Gender Equity Office.

Information about available trainings.

Request a group training.